This is a collection of old-school resources that we have found particularly useful and/or inspirational.

A succinct introduction to old-school gaming, including the famous “4 Zen Moments”, written by Swords & Wizardry creator Matt Finch.

Creator and publisher of the Old School Essentials system and the Dolmenwood campaign setting. A plethora of useful material for your old-school game!

A super-friendly and welcoming server, where you can participate in an amazing variety of old-school chat.

A collection of easily-applicable old-school principles, written by a small coterie of OSR luminaries.

Ben Milton’s channel, where he uploads OSR product reviews and numerous explanatory videos about old-school gaming. The gold standard.

After the dissolution of G+, this subreddit has stepped in to become an excellent source of aggregated OSR discussion. Well-moderated and friendly.

Ben Milton’s (Questing Beast) amazing monthly newsletter that collects and disseminates all of the latest OSR news.

A lightweight, browser-based, and free virtual tabletop program. You can see it in action in all of our videos.

If our sessions have inspired you to run your own version of Arden Vul, go grab it here! It’s worth every penny; take it from us.